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Green Eggs No Ham

Quite often it’s tradition that stops us making green choices during the holidays, but that’s not to say it’s impossible to change. I do find that breaking old habits is hard but when it comes to the environment, I think it’s worth the challenge.

Like many holidays, Easter is full of nostalgia. Many of us remember the Easter egg hunts from our childhoods with lots of chocolate eggs covered in colourful foil. My siblings and I also always had one big egg each which usually came in a mug. These days, retailers have gone into over-drive stocking eggs covered in so much packaging including foil, plastic and card. In the UK alone, there are 80 million boxed chocolate eggs sold each year, generating 4,370 tonnes of waste.

There are always good things and bag things that we can take from the past and learn from. So, this year, I’m still going to do an Easter egg hunt for the kids as of old, just with no foil wrapping and I’ll find some old-fashioned, hand-made eggs (shouldn’t be hard in Switzerland) with less packaging. Perhaps even in a mug!

So here are some ideas I’ve had for a greener Easter:

  • Bulk buy mini eggs or any other non-wrapped egg and place them in egg cups or small containers before hiding them around the garden. The children can tip them into their baskets.

  • Source some hand-made large eggs or even make your own and use a mug to contain them.

  • Make your own decorations – pressed flowers or feathers stuck onto eggs (previously blown) look beautiful hanging from branches.

  • Include some meat-free meals in your holiday menus – nut roast, lentil lasagne, avocado pesto spaghetti, west African Peanut soup.

Happy Green Easter!!

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