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This Valentine's Day, Choose Green Love

It’s that time of year when some of us start thinking about the one we love and perhaps wanting to give them a little something to show them how we feel. Valentine’s Day has become horribly commercialised as we are bombarded with tacky gifts that are meant to show our affection but usually end up in landfill - cards, synthetic hearts, helium balloons, etc. How about spreading a little love to the earth too by making greener choices this Valentine's Day?

Here are some green or healthy gift ideas (some of the links are Swiss-based only but you can find equivalent services local to you):

  • Keep your loved one cosy by gifting a beautiful hand-crafted, ethical and sustainable beanie or jumper -

  • And for the ladies, remind them of sunny days to come with a beautiful, luxurious summer dress -

  • Set the mood with a soy candle – (Swiss-based)

  • Buy local, seasonal flowers such as tulips, daffodils and hyacinths

  • Better still buy a beautiful house plant – A peace lily can help to purify the air in the house and looks gorgeous

  • Make them something – chocolate truffles, a scent using your own combination of essential oils or a beautiful hand-made card

  • Cook a delicious, healthy meal for two

  • Share a bottle of organic wine

These are just a few ideas but there are so many more. Spend the time you would normally spend trailing around the shops or browsing the internet to create something unique, authentic and heart-felt that doesn't damage the environment.

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