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No Flour, No Dairy, No Problem!

Last night I made a very rustic-looking Chicken Pie, with crusty pastry and creamy sauce and I used absolutely no flour or dairy. 'How on earth?', I hear you cry. Well, with a combination of steamed veggies and chicken, a scrumptious cauliflower 'white sauce' and a topping of crispy ground almond pastry. Here are the separate components, which you can use for loads of other recipes followed by the pie recipe at the bottom. I've also included another non-dairy white sauce made with almond milk. Happy Baking!.

Ground Almond Pastry


300g ground almonds (blanched)

2 eggs

¼ tsp salt

30g ghee or coconut oil


Place all ingredients in a food processor and and mix until a dough is formed. Remove dough then flatten into a disc. Wrap in greaseproof paper or a honey wrap and keep in the fridge for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough between the paper or wrap to about 2 – 3mm thick. Ready for use as a pie topping. If blind baking, bake for 15mins at 180 degrees C.

Cauliflower 'white sauce'


1 medium onion

2 cloves garlic

60 g ghee

800g Cauliflower florets

150g sliced leeks (white parts only or sauce will be green!)

2 tsp thyme leaves

400 ml chicken stock


Finely chop the onion and garlic and sauté them in the ghee over a med/low heat for 5 mins until soft. Lower the heat and add remaining ingredients and simmer for 20 mins, stirring occasionally until soft. Blend with a hand-held blender or in a liquidizer until smooth.

Almond Milk white sauce


500g nut milk

2 eggs

30g ghee or coconut oil

1 tsp dried onion flakes

1tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp honey

1 tsp herb salt

2 tbsp gelatine powder


Place all the ingredients into a heavy-bottomed pan and simmer over a medium to low heat for 8 - 10 mins, gently whisking until thick and smooth.

Chicken Pie


Almond Pastry (as above)

Cauliflower ‘white sauce’ or almond milk white sauce (as above)

Steamed chicken breast cut into strips (approx. 600g)

Mixed Steamed veg (eg. Sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, peas, green beans)


Preheat the over to 180 degrees C. In a bowl, combine the vegetables, chicken with the white sauce of your choice. Pour the mixture into an over-proof pie dish. Lay the pastry over the top and fork around the edges. Poke a couple of holes through the pastry and place in oven. Bake for 25 minutes until the pastry is golden. Remove and cool a little. Serve with a fresh green salad.

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